Watson Land Company is committed to being a good neighbor by using its resources to enhance the quality of life in the areas where it has its real estate holdings and by addressing special community needs. From early on, Watson has demonstrated their passion and commitment to helping through a steadfast dedication to nurturing the next generation of leaders and innovators by supporting their educational aspirations.
Community involvement
Watson Land Company’s Philanthropic Program
Watson Land Company’s rich tradition of philanthropy has been in place since the company’s founding. Today, Watson’s strategic giving continues to focus on the communities in which it does business in tangible and meaningful ways; from giving to youth programs, to families in crisis, to senior services, to workforce development and literacy programs, to public safety and to enhancing quality of life.
The company is committed to making positive contributions to our communities by contributing our time, talent, and financial resources, which is evidenced by contributions to more than 200 organizations and the employees’ active involvement in more than 30 community groups.
Watson Land Company is proud to be a part of Carson, Los Angeles County, Chino, and the Inland Empire and looks forward to continuing its tradition of being a part of the community and working in partnerships to enhance the quality of life.